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Let’s put a stop to plastic pollution

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Plastic is everywhere. It’s in our oceans, air, and blood. And it’s getting worse every day. Let’s ensure our leaders are fighting against this trend.

Corporations love plastic. They want to triple plastic production by 2050, but they offer no way to dispose of it sustainably. If we allow them to do this, 90% of plastic will continue to be burned, thrown into landfills, and dumped in our oceans. Immediate action is needed to curb escalating plastic pollution.

Through legislation, we can put a halt to the ever growing problem of plastic.  With the support of hundreds of sponsors, US leaders are now considering implementing the most comprehensive federal plastic pollution measure ever: H.R.5845 / S.3263.  If it proceeds, this bill – which was first introduced in 2020 – will not only enhance waste management programs but also ramp up recycling and composting efforts.

Garbage in the Himalayas • Sylwia Bartyzel

While encouraging the use of recycled materials in manufacturing, and ensuring those manufacturers are held to local and state standards, it also seeks to ban non-recyclable single-use plastic products and create a nationwide refund program for beverage containers. It will even stop waste from being shipped to developing countries.

Add your voice to those urging our leaders to support this legislation. Fight the plastic crisis. And share with friends to increase your impact.

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